PsycINFO. The most comprehensive online source of scholarly information for Psychology. PubMed. PubMed is the U.S. National Library of Medicine’s database for


PsycINFO es una base de datos referencial y bibliográfica especializada en literatura psicológica que contiene citas y resúmenes de artículos revisados por pares de revistas, así como de capítulos de libros, libros, tesis e informes técnicos, todo en el campo de la psicología y los aspectos psicológicos de las disciplinas relacionadas, como la medicina, psiquiatría, enfermería

Jan 26, 2021 PsycINFO does NOT include popular sources (Psychology Today, Time, the information for the articles will be pulled into SU's request form. PsycINFO is an electronic bibliographic database that provides abstracts and • Select SU Subjects from the. PsycINFO(R) contains citations and summaries of journal articles, book SU. Subject. TC. Table of Contents. TI. Title. UD. Update Code.

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PubMed. PubMed is the U.S. National Library of Medicine’s database for health and medicine, including some psychology. Academic Search Complete [Selected Articles in Full Text] PsycInfo. Referenser till publikationer inom psykologi och angränsande ämnesområden. Även psykiatri, medicin, fysiologi, sociologi, språkvetenskap m.m. Ämnen: Psykologi. Arbetsvetenskap.

Producida por la American Psychological Association (APA) contiene más de tres millones de registros bibliográficos de artículos de revista, capítulos de libros, informes técnicos, y referencias de tesis doctorales.

CINAHL and PsycInfo, selected studies, independently assessed the At SU we try to avoid implant based immediate breast reconstruction.

Sep 25, 2020 If you enter characters in Uppercase that correlate to a field code (TO, AN, SU, DE etc.) EBSCOhost makes the assumption that you want to use  Mar 3, 2021 This guide will help you naviagte through the database PsycINFO. SU. SU( mental health).

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This tutorial gives an overview of PsycINFO, the premiere citation database for psychology and psychiatry.

This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome,  Search across several databases and Samford Libraries Catalog to find articles, books, newspapas and more. You can search more than one filter at a time by clicking + add filter. Six filters are available for searches in PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, and PsycBOOKS.

Using Truncation (*) Referenser till faktagranskad litteratur inom psykologi och angränsande ämnesområden så som psykiatri, medicin, fysiologi, sociologi, språkvetenskap med mera. PsycInfo Omfattande bibliografisk databas inom psykologi och angränsande områden. Tillgänglig inom Örebro universitet eller via inloggning för lärare/student. APA PsycINFO er en bibliografisk database, der indeholder referencer med abstracts. Databasen dækker alle discipliner inden for psykologi og beslægtede områder. Den dækker de psykologiske aspekter af emnerne medicin, psykiatri, sygepleje, sociologi, uddannelse, farmakologi, fysiologi, antropologi, sociale forhold, økonomi og jura. Currently, there are 2,281 journals covered in APA PsycInfo.
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Search strategy, amended to ProQuest format. SU.EXACT ("Treatment Effectiveness Evaluation") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE ("Treatment Outcomes") OR SU.EXACT ("Placebo") OR SU. PsycINFO. In practice, there is only a small different between SU Subjects and DE Subjects (exact). Authors often contribute keywords for their own articles, and their terms can be searched by using the field KW Keywords.

) OR AB  Mini-HTA.
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Ebsco-databaserna = SportDiscus, ERIC, PsycINFO, Academic Search Premier. Ebsco är bra för dig som vill hitta artiklar inom idrott och/eller det

Search Strategy.; PsycInfo SU (camp OR “recreational facilities”) NOT SU (biography OR refugee OR “cyclic adenosine monophosphate” OR “concentration camp” OR food) NOT SO (food OR nutrition OR food science) AND (child* OR kid OR youth) AND (sick OR health OR ill OR chronic) AND (families OR family OR parent OR sibling) PsycINFO is the major database of psychology information and indexes published research in psychology since 1967. There are multiple ways to search for research instruments in APA PsycINFO. SU Subjects = search for a word or phrase anywhere in the subject heading fields 2021-04-07 PsycINFO is a database of abstracts of literature in the field of psychology.It is produced by the American Psychological Association and distributed on the association's APA PsycNET and through third-party vendors. It is the electronic version of the now-ceased Psychological Abstracts.In 2000, it absorbed PsycLIT which had been published on CD-ROM.

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PsycInfo: Index to articles from more than 1,800 journals on psychology and the psychological elements of related fields such as education, psychiatry, business, medicine, linguistics, nursing, law, and social work. Dates of coverage: 1840 - present Content Type: scholarly articles : PTSDpubs: Published International Literature On Traumatic Stress

PsycInfo. Referenser till publikationer inom psykologi och angränsande ämnesområden. Även psykiatri, medicin, fysiologi, sociologi, språkvetenskap m.m. Ämnen: Psykologi. Arbetsvetenskap. PsycINFO.